e-mail: art.lutomski@gmail.com
Was born in 1973. Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.
Doktorate in 2017.
Practices painting and linocut. Has taken part in collective exhibitions.
Since 1999-2005 Assistant at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.
Coordinator and secretary Main Exhibition International Print Triennial in Krakow 2009 and Grand Prix Young Polish Print Arts – Krakow 2009
Lead studio linocut at the Faculty of Art of Pedagogical University in Cracow
Lead studio linocut at the Higher Technical School in Katowice

Important Awards:

1999- 3 Prize at the Quadriennial of Polish Woodcut and Linocut,Olsztyn
2000- The Award of the President of the Lublin`s Voivodeship on Art Triennial Majdanek
2000- Prize in the Graphic of the Year 1999 Competition, Academy of Fine Arts, Cracow
2000- Runner-up prize on Graphic Art Competition in Jelenia Góra 2000- Scholarship by the City of Cracow
2005- Runner-up prize on Picture of the Year 2004, Warsaw
2006- 3rd Prize at the “Against of the Violece” Centre of Culture and International Information, Radom, Poland
2009- Runner-up prize on 5th International Briennial of Painting Eko-Balt, Gdynia, Poland
2011 – Runner-up at the Quadriennial of Polish Woodcut and Linocut,Olsztyn
2015 – Runner-up at the Quadriennial of Polish Woodcut and Linocut,Olsztyn

Individual exhibitions:

1996- Jazz Club “U Muniaka” Cracow,Poland
2002- “Sukiennice” Gallery; with Rafal Borcz & Michal Misiak, Cracow ,Poland
2004- Gallery Ufo- graphics,Cracow,Poland
2005- Gallery ArtiDoTuum- Paintings and Graphics, Cracow,Poland
2006- Schloss Almoshof -Graphics- Nurnberg,Germany
2007- Gallery Artinfo.pl at Fabryka Trzciny – Warsaw
2008- Ampstrong – Zakopane,Poland
2011- Cultural and Art Center- Kalisz, Poland

Group exhibitions:

1996- Students` Exhibition – Workshop of Professor Leszek Misiak, Kuznia  Cracow,Poland
1996- Landscape in Contemporary Paintings,Pryzmat Gallery, Cracow,Poland
1997- Paintings- Forma Gallery,cracow,Poland
1997- Drawings- Students from the Workshop of Professor Teresa Kotkowska-Rzepecka, Palace of Art,Cracow,Poland
1998- Graphics from Cracow,Reszel Castle,Poland
1999- 1st Graphic Art Student`s Biennal,Poznan,Poland
1999- Kulisiewicz Art Competition In Graphics,Nidzica,Pol;and
1999- Quadriennial of Polish Woodcut and Linocut ,Olsztyn,Poland
2000- Year of Graphics, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Katowice-Cracow,Poland
2000- Jozef Gielniak – Graphic Art Competition, Jelenia Gora, Poland
2000- Polish Contemporary Paintings Competition- Szczecin,Poland
2000- “Graphic of Masters from Cracow” Galllery GP, Warsaw,Poland
2000- “Recommandation” Young Polish Graphic, Cracow
2001- Graphic of the Year 2000, Cracow & Katowice
2002- Egeria XI, Ostrow Wielkopolski,Poland
2002- Chodowiecki Graphic art Competition
2002- Young Graphics from Cracow, Arboteum Warsaw
2002- Graphic of the Year, Cracow
2002- Young Polish Graphics , Bruksela
2003- Graphic from Krakow, Polish Institute  at Stockholm
2003- Gielniak Graphic Competition, Jelenia Gora
2003- International Print Triennial, Cracow
2003- Grand Prix Young Polish Graphic, Cracow
2003- 11 Internatiolnal Biennial of Grephics- De Sarcelles-Paris-France
2003- VIII Quadriennial of Polish Woodcut and Linocut, Olsztyn, Poland
2004- Eurographics, Gallery “ Old Manez” Moscow- Russia. Kijow-Ukraine, Lipsk- Germany
2004- Contemporary Polish Graphic Tradition at the Society for Arts,   Chicago
2004- 11th International Biennal Print- Taiwan
2005- Best Graphic of the Month-Cracow
2005- “Picture of the Year”  Warsaw
2005- COW on “CowParade” Warsaw
2006-“Black and White or Colours” Patio Gallery, Lodz,Poland
2006- Eurogrphic- Sankt Petersburg
2006- 12 International Biennal Print- Taiwan
2006-Kunst Aus Krakau-Forum Kunst und Architektur,Essen,Germany
2006- Polish Eagles- Fundation Cultural Center Seoul Korea
2006- Grand Prix Young Polish Art, Cracov
2006- Angel Art Gallery, Taipei
2007– Internationale Grafiktriennale- kunstlerhaus,Wien
2007- IX Qudriennal of Woodcut and Linocut in Olsztyn
2007- Young Polish Painting- “Kijev” Ukraine
2008- “Commonness”exhibitions of Polsh Paintings-Fabryka Trzciny-Warsaw
2008- Tamagotchi- Polish Paintings –Bochenska Gallery Warsaw
2008- Imprint – International Print Triennial – Warsaw, Poland
2009- 60 Anniversaryy of Nowa Huta, Cracow
2009- I Festival Art and Dokumentation-Patio Centre of Art,Lodz,Poland
2009-Sport on Graphic Art – Gdynia 2009
2009- International Print Triennial, Cracow 2009
2016- 3rd Biennial Print exhibitions “ink Masters”, Canopy Art centre, Australia
2017- The 10th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Print, Japan
2017- XIVBienal of Engraving José de Ribera, from Xàtiva (Valencia) Spain
2018-International Biennial Print Exhibit:ROC, Taiwan
2018-3rd Macao Printmaking Triennial